Saturday, January 14, 2012

House it going. Part THREE

Pardon my inability to get this in when I said I would! A nasty stomach bug has TORN through our church this week, and we were sadly not immune. W started on monday, and me & hubby followed a few days after. EVERYONE we know seems to getting it-I have to admit this kind of stuff freaks me out! I feel like it's some sort of movie, and somehow a stomach bug will end the world.
I know. I'm silly.

But on to what I was going to show you in the house series part 3!
W's's coming along! When he was in my belly cooking, I had this great idea to paint stripes across the center of the room, and decorate it baseball themed. I loved it..for about ten seconds. I quickly felt like it just wasn't me...wasn't W. But I lived with it for a while. But when I was cooking Sweet P I decided it was time to change it to something I felt was for fitting for us. Here's what I've got so far!

 I picked up that toddler bed at the Dutch Auction for $'s originally IKEA and retails for $100! It was in perfect condition! I decided though that the plain wood look wasn't W, and used the leftover paint from the Dining Room (which is Warm Gold from Better Homes & Garden) to paint it. I still plan to cover up the somewhat weird dog and cat cutouts with upholstered panels!
The cool vintage blankie belonged to hubby's uncles, there are two of them we scored during a house clean out! I LOVE them. They're warm and vintagey perfection!
  W loves his "moooon". Oma picked it up for him at...guess where?! Yup-IKEA! The "artwork" is a super simple DIY.
I picked up a TON of canvases when Micheal's has a sale months and months ago so i already had this canvas on hand. I spray painted it with the $1 gray spray paint at Wal Mart. Then I found a free font online that I loved, and I printed it out extra large (I believe it was about 200 point). I then cut around each individual letter (no Cricut over here!) and Mod Podged them on the canvas. That's it! See it's easy!
 I saw this idea on Pinterest and I couldn't help but run out to IKEA and get me some spice racks. I LOVE this for storing books in a cute way. If course W has WAY more books than will fit on two shelves, so only his faves made it on these..the rest are stored under his bed!
  Of course alot of the time the books are still ALL OVER the floor. :sigh: Life with toddler.
I love that little cubby shelf. I picked it up at the Christmas Tree Shop (Which is oddly NOT a Christmas store) when I was prego with W for like $2 because the box was damaged. The canvas boxes used to be bright red and navy blue..they went with the baseball theme, but not so much with a more vintagey yellow and orange. So I hit'm with a few coats of that same gray spray paint, and there you go! Making over things you already have to fit your new style is usually EASY and CHEAP.
The "artwork" below the cubby is another DIY. Dollar Tree (my second fave store-IKEA being first of course) have little flower print wooden plaques. I knew they would be a great way to make some cheap art so I grabbed a few. I sprayed them with white spray paint, and then scoured the internet for cute posters from W's fave movies. I used a feature on Picnik photo editor called 1960's that gave them a more vintage look and printed them out to the right size on REGULAR paper (not photo). Then I just Mod Podge those bad boys on the plaques..and there you have it!

another time I would use Matte Mod Podge. They're a little too glossy for my taste.

And just in case you forgot what W looked like.

Next in the house series is our Living Room!

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