Tuesday, January 10, 2012

House it going. Part ONE

So it's not fabulous. But let me share with you some of the progress I've made in the past few months on making my house more "Me". I love the changes I've made..but I still have a ways to go. Biggest on the list of seemingly impossible right now is remodeling our upstairs. As of right now it's difficult to use. There is one bedroom, with no overhead lighting and no insulation. Yeah..not putting my kids up there, and the ceiling is too low for Hubby to be comfortable with living up there. Definitely needs a redo!

But here's where I am with the rest of the house. Be warned..these photos are REAL. There may be toys laying around, dishes and cups, and who knows what else. We LIVE in our house, it's no museum. So just remember that.

The Dining Room....I'm in love with this color. It was my first step into something actually colorful instead if muted tones...and it still makes me smile every time i look at it.
It's got even more of a punch in person!

The buffet I scored on craigslist for...FREE. Crazy right? It's so mod and cute, just some minor wear here and there..I haven't gotten around to painting it yet. But I'm waiting to find just the right dining table before I do that..so they look like they belong together.

I love that white chair ..it has a sister, that lives in the living room. Snagged the two of them for $5 at the Dutch Auction! I was going to redo them..but the more they sit there the more i like them they way they are. W sits in this chair and watches the bus, garbage truck and visitors come and go every.single.day! I am so glad I have this chair!

This E is a simple little thing I threw together. I got this at Marshalls, those types of stores always have giant letters hanging around ( I liked the shape of it way better than the ones at Micheal's or AC Moore). It was originally black...BLECK. Too Pottery Barn for my taste. I picked up a can of $1 white matte spray paint at Wal-Mart and went to town. I did purposefully not cover every inch perfectly..i wanted it to look a little imperfect! Don't be intimidated or turned off if something isn't the color you want it to be..PAINT is your friend. Especially spray paint. Comes in a BILLION colors.

Things I'm planning on doing in here:
Overhead lighting...UGH the people who designed this house just were into lamps I guess. NO overhead lighting in this room. We have a lamp right now but i hate not having the table lit. We're going to have to go the plug in hanging light route..but i'm ok with that. I've actually already got what I need and there's a little DIY involved I can't wait to share!
Here's what I'm thinking for the lampshade.

I'm also on the hunt for the right table. The one we have now...well I'm not showing it for a reason. It's beat. It was a free gift we're super thankful for, since it's served us well. But it's time to retire it. I'd really like something like .....
or this....

or really....
But we'll see what I end up with!
I'm also hankering for a cool patterned rug in there like this....
And I'm planning on doing an artsy frame wall.

Tomorrow I'll share my kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. Fun post, Laura! I find it interesting to see where our tastes collide and where they clash. Your E does look so much nicer than those ones at the craft stores. Do you have a pinterest account? I'd like to see your boards! I am in the process of setting one up. I feel greatly torn decorating our place in CA because it is not ~our~ place, and I don't want to spend any money on something that would not work when we get back to our home. So I have been putting up our picture frames, and my main decorating goal day to day is keeping my kitchen/dining room table cleared off and ready to light the candles for dinner. (I have the horrible habit of cluttering it up!)

    What are your favorite paint colors? You are so right about spray paint. It can be amazing!
